It all started with a bid on Ebay!! While perusing ebay Brit and I found an incredible lot of vintage clothing that we just had to have. We bid, crossed our fingers, hoped for the best, and in all honesty kind of dismissed the thought of really winning.....well... WE WON!! What a great feeling when you win on ebay (its all about lifes little victories!!LOL!!) now to pay and arrange shipping, here comes the glitch. NO SHIPPING! Only pick up soooo... we looked to see where our treasure was located and thankfully it was not so very far from us in Savannah! Needless to say our weekend trip to Savannah was born. When Diamond, Brit's "Bestie" learned of our planned sojourn she was quick to jump right on our band wagon and declare that she was also joining our brigade!! The girls immediately got out the old home videos of our Girl Scout trip to G.S. founder Juliette Gordon Lowe's Birthplace none other than .... you guessed it... Savannah!! We had such fun watching the video and laughing at our adventurous train ride, round trip between Palm Beach & Savannah, and how much all the girls have grown since that summer trip. They are all in college now!! Where does the time go?!? I must confess one of my fav parts was seeing Connor as a baby <3 it really puts into perspective how fast they grow. We quickly arranged a hotel and started to plan our weekend,we soon surmised that our furry family would also love to join the caravan so with that 5 humans, 4 dogs (our 3 and Diamond's pup also), and 1 rented (don't ask... air conditioning issues with my car and Chris's car wouldn't hold everyone) minivan departed ... Savannah or Bust!! We love a good road trip and this destination is one of our favs!! What is not to love about history, architecture, ghost stories, dining, shopping and all the southern splendor! Whenever I'm in Savannah I am in a Gone with the Wind state of mind!! I am Scarlett O'Hara even if only in my mind LOL!! We met up with the lovely lady selling our vintage goodies and had the transaction completed by 10:30 a.m. on Sat.!! We made a score to end all scores!! Two HUGE boxes of vintage clothing!! We love every single piece (how often does that happen?) with the rest of the day waiting for us to explore we headed straight to River Street! We lunched on the water, stopped at Savannah Candy Kitchen of course!! and shopped till we dropped literally!!! No trip to Savannah is complete without a tour of the historical landmarks, we hit what felt like all of them and in reality only touched the surface! My fav stop was the Cemetary, soaking up all the history and the beautiful flora and fauna surrounding this beautiful place, it's simply intoxicating. After heading back to the hotel to rest up, play with our puppies and all of our new found treasures!! We headed to Dinner and a late night Ghost Tour at the Sorrell Weed House- The most haunted structure in Savannah!! Arriving back to the hotel in the a.m. hours we were happy to hop in cozy beds and nod off to dream land (safe from the ghosts!!LOL!!) We awoke had a lovely breakfast stopped one more time at River Street {reads more shopping!!}then homeward bound!! I hope you enjoyed your weekend as much as we did ours!! TTYL <3

Just a peek at all the vintage goodies we scored!!
Starbucks in hand, pearls on, sweater wrapped ready to ghost hunt!!
Jacks on Cobblestones not the best match but Lilly and Savannah a match made in Heaven!
Some retail therapy!!
Pralines, taffy, and peanut brittle natch'
Chris could not help but to break into JFK's "Ask not what your country etc."speech. Love my Hubs!
Found my family tomb "Hulse"
Stumbled upon a wedding in the square how romantic!!!
Sailboats passing by on River Street
Time for a coke and fresh taffy at Savannah Candy Kitchen.
Tugboats!!! My fav!!
These stairs are wicked!! But the shops located at the top are soooo worth it!!
Brittany, Connor, and Diamond making their way down to River St.
Horse and carriage rides around lovely Savannah.
Brittany and Connor getting their grits on!