Hey Rosebuds, Just a quick post about ... you guessed it, A Few of My Favorite Things!! Now keep in mind these are not just any favorite things, these are my all time, go to , must have, tried and true Favs!! So with that in mind ... Let's get right to it!!
Always add a cap full (or two LOL!!) feel and smells so luxurious!! (girls its got jojoba oil, great for skin)
and I love Dove soap (1/4 moisturizer for soft skin) especially the PINK bar!!
Love to splash this on after a hot soak!!
LOL!! Love this vintage ad and yes girls they still carry this gem in stores (walgreens,walmart,online,etc.)
Can't forget the face!! Ponds is always a good idea!! LOL!!
In my humble opinon, having used beauty products from all over the world in fluctuating price points I still have never found anything superior to good old fashioned Pond's cold cream (and girls our beloved Jackie O swore by it!! If its good enough for Jackie , its good enough for me!!)
These tried and true beauties have long been a staple to many a lovely face!!
This is what they look like now!! Slather some on and enjoy the glamorous feeling!!
After a nice hot bath my fav thing to do is to put on some pretty nightgown and robe set and slippers or "scuffies" as I call them!! I love collecting vintage nightgown/robe sets but I stumbled across a fabulous find at Walmart!!!! Of all places, great price, great product = winning for us girls!! It is their Celestial Dreams Collection (robes,jammies,nightgowns, etc.) and I am in love!! In fact its what I'm wearing as I write this post!! LOL!!
I think they are very comparable to the ones from Vermont Country Store (they have a lovely variety of sleepwear, and well everything!! LOL)
Now we all know that nothing beats a good cup of tea, but with hot weather rapidly approaching I felt it appropriate to mention another fav, since childhood... Rainbow Bubbles!! It's soooooo super easy yet still feels like your spoiling yourself. I use Ginger ale and Rainbow Sherbet, in any glass, any amounts that tickle your fancy, but you can also use Club Soda, or even Champagne!! Think party punch and enjoy it whenever you want!!
Another all time favorite!! Rice Pudding!! Now I know that there are a ton of recipes out there and I also know that Rice Pudding is a very personal taste thing too!! But when I just have to have it and I don't want to do the whole "Family Recipe" thing I use minute rice (according to package) and then add (to taste, just eyeball it here girls) Vanilla Coffee Creamer from the Dairy section warm together either stovetop (for a real quick fix) or for a little extra time (while you hop in that hot bath perhaps?) put it in a 350 degree oven for however long but I wouldn't go more than an hour or so.You can add raisins,nuts,etc. but I just sprinkle some cinnamon on mine and Wow!! Its got that sweet,warm, homemade taste!! I hope you enjoy this post of a few of my favorite things!! TTYL Rosebuds xoxoxoxo...