The first destination on our Halloween Extravaganza Adventure was Sleepy Hollow/ Tarrytown New York where we happily made The Castle Hotel & Spa our home away from home❤️

Exterior Opulence

Interior Opulence as well!!
Of course a girl always needs proper accessories.. Bow wool gloves, Chanel Sunnies, & Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte for good measure!! LOL!
Next stop a Tarrytown Holiday Parade
Snacks for the show!
A Vaca to Sleepy Hollow is not complete without a visit to "Blaze" a spectacular display of Jack- O-Lantern ( works of art!!)
Yes, this clock really worked!!
Welcome!! But look out for...
After running into you know who, we
decided to retrace his famous course
It was really beautiful albeit a bit eerie as the sun began to set!
Look familiar? If you are a Dark Shadows fan it should, Lyndhurst Estate was the setting for the infamous Barnabus..
And speaking of Barnabus,here we stumbled upon his Crypt!
What Sleepy Hollow retreat would be complete without a lantern lit cemetery walk at midnight of course!!!
Next stop on our trek was a quick visit to our hometown where we visited Roba's Pumpkin Patch
We then got the opportunity to serve on the jury of poor, innocent, Bridgett Bishop ,whom we acquitted, but was not that fortunate during the real trials and was the first of the accused witches to be executed during the hysteria
Enjoyed the magnificent views from high atop a farm silo ( it was hard not to photograph all the Amish we encountered, but we behaved and respected their religious views on not being photographed. But it was fun eating dinner with them!! )
Picked pumpkins right off the vine!
Played in the Hay
Had to make a hasty pickup of my absolute fav pizza in the world!! Brownies Famous Pizzeria❤️
We boarded our Haunted Harbor Cruise & had a visit with a real witch!!
Connor seemed to have found a few .. Ahem... Friends ONBOARD!!l lol!!
After his creepy encounter he thought it best to stay inside the ship & have his face painted as a dragon in hopes to scare away any further Fiends, um, I mean friends!! Lol!!!
Poor Brittany, blissfully unaware of her creepy visitors quickly approaching from behind!!
Here we have "Witches" being accused on the streets of Salem in a historical reenactment

Who better to run into on Halloween than Salem's own Master of Ceremonies... The Warlock of Salem, Christian Day
Connor ready to Trick or Treat!!
Brittany ready to hit the streets of Salem for goodies as well!!
Our last stop was Amish Country Lancaster, Pa where we visited Hershey Park
Final celebration of Halloween, Trick or treating at Dutch Wonderland and riding all the unique rides!! We had a stupendous October & hope you did as well!! TTYL❤️
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