Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Bye bye 2014... Hello New Beginnings ❤️

I hope everybody's 2014 holiday season has been magically enchanting!!
I've been having such a blast that I apologetically have become very behind on Le Blog :( for this I am truly sorry and to be honest I've really missed keeping up with all of you fab peeps❤️ I'll let you in on a little secret... I've been up to some new pursuits!! I'm very excited to share... But honestly a little nervous too❤️ So here goes, myself along with a few of my crew are starting ( have started I guess ) playing with You Tube!!!! Ahhhh!!! It's so fun making vids!!! I've been asked for quite awhile to start a You Tube and I've just been so nervous.. I don't want to disappoint anyone but I figured new year, new pursuits lol❤️  I hope you check us out when you get a chance and of course HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! TTYL❤️