Thursday, April 16, 2015

Birthday Seasons ?!?!?

Hey there Rosebuds I've recently made a deduction of sorts and I don't know if I'm alone on this observation or not but I have noticed that we have "Birthday Seasons" meaning that with our family it seems that "Birthday Season" is kind of split in two parts. Before I get ahead of myself let me explain my hypothesis LOL!!

Our first "season" starts off in October with my sis-in-law, Amy'sAmy Thomas Evans bday , followed by my Hubby'sChris Fadden bday in November and our niece, Tiffany's Tiffany DeMarcobday also in November. After that we have my sister Kristy's Kristy Evansbday in December followed by none other than the "MacDaddy" Jesus Jesus Dailyhimself celebrating a bday in December too!! Next is my Mom, Bonnie's Bonnie Evansbday and my bro-in-law, Len'sLenny DeMarco bday in January!! Phew!! One "Birthday Season" finished with a short break in February.

Our second "season" kicks off in March with my brother, Dan'sDan Evans bday, followed in April by our two nephew's Noah 'Happy 5th birthday to my little man! Noah is often the life of the party and he loves with every ounce of his heart! As he turns 5, he is anxiously awaiting Kindergarten at mommy's school! Watch out PRE... Here he comes in August. He had a hard time understanding why he was not able to come today!σΎ°€'and Lenny'MY SILLY BOY!!', which both celebrate their bdays in April, June brings us my sister, Kim's 'Wearing my blue for you know who!!!!'bday, and our lovebug son, Connor's 'Happy St. Christopher Patrick's Day!!!!!!'bday!! Then we have yours truly's (Moi)Shirley Fadden bday in July along with our older lovebug, our daughter, Brittany's bday!!! Now that's just "immediate" family, this list in no way reflects all of our family bdays!! So you see what I mean by "Birthday Seasons"? How about your family? Do you have "Birthday Seasons" too? Let me know!! TTYL Rosebuds xoxoxoxo... <3 br="">